Sunday, October 28, 2007

Stepping Out

I was 77, couldn’t find my way to the more distant parts of the Creewah labyrinth like a year or two before and couldn’t easily keep up with the demands of the raspberry patch because the weeds were growing twice as fast and the days were half as long. Years before I had picked out a suitable high cliff to jump off when my body started complaining unnecessarily. Sadly, the cliff was at the end of a stiff walk which I now couldn’t reach by walking. If I had thought it through properly, I could have made it wheelchair accessible and built a nice tipping ramp at the top. I could have then hired it out and made lots of money. But it’s a bit late for that. I had to think of a plan B.

‘I’m thinking of going to live in Bega’, I said. ‘That’s a good idea‘, she replied. ‘Then I can come and visit. I like Bega’. ‘OK that’s settled’, I said. ‘Somebody else can come and live here. There’s a bit of enjoyment left that we haven’t used up’.


Jane said...

If you're not using the farm, can I have it?

Wombalano said...

yes...when do you want to move in?
I need some money to buy a new place. Can you lend me some?

Wombalano said...

first though, I need you to help with making the wheelchair accessible ramp just for if...

Anonymous said...

Just to say I enjoy your blog and photos immensely. I have a smallholding in Creewah but have been exiled to Scotland for the lat 23 years and only get back occasionally. Your blog supplements the Bombala Times pretty well! Keep it going.

Oz in Exile

Wombalano said...

Creewah is still lovely
Thanks for your comment and glad you enjoyed

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Hanging Valley