Thursday, September 6, 2007

47 Handling grief

How can anybody handle such news? Within a couple of days you learn your friend has died, a friend you had been looking forward to sharing your new and exciting stories with, and simultaneously you find you might have a serious illness that could incapacitate you and wipe you out within a short period. It was very difficult.
The head noises started, tinnitus they called it, the pains got worse spreading to the arm on the same side as the bad leg and she spent a lot of time in deep thought about the present and miserable future.
Sleepless nights were filled writing letters about everything and nothing to her mother. She received no replies.
Physical tests and MRI scans confirmed MS. She had sclerotic dead patches over her brain stem meaning that control signals to and feedback from certain organs were likely to be muffled. It was a matter of course that sclerosis would continue and spread and other functions would be reduced and finally lost. The rate of spread could not be forecast but her positive attitude might help general well-being. Drugs were being developed but at this stage MS was poorly understood. Her case wasn’t all that bad.

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